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Making A Pair Of Hedge Shears

Making A Pair Of Hedge Shears Published on October, 2019
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In this videos you will see how blacksmiths make a pair of hedge shears from one half of a chainsaw guide bar. Making hedge shears is one of the most difficult work for all blacksmiths, particularly all handmade/homemade blacksmiths. They had never made them before. This is the first time ever for them. There are a few reasons that they don't want to make. First reason is that they are very difficult to make. Second one, they take so much time, 2 to 3 hours. Making a pair of them means making two knives. Last one, however they worked hard, they would not be able to charge his customers very much like the ones in the video they can charge only $10.
To make sure how hard it is, please watch through this video.
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